#Avatar collectors edition
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nat-but-free · 1 year ago
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avatarrecom · 1 year ago
Avatar The Way Of Water collectors edition scenes.
For some reason some scenes from the collectors edition have already been released, here are the ones I found:
Date Night (Extended Cut)
Crashed Samson Tiltrotor (Extended Cut)
Goodbye Mo’at
Neytiri Rides an Ilu
Spider Mocks the Recoms (My poor baby Prager 😭😂)
Neytiri Spearfishes (I'm not 100% sure that this is the right scene)
Learning Montage
Ardmore and Quaritch Discuss Jake (Extended Cut)
Ta’unui Village (Extended Cut)
The Tulkun Hunt (Extended Cut)
Scoresby and Garvin Rescued
Parents from Hell and Standoff (Extended Cut)
I haven't found all the scenes yet, but I'll keep looking :)
What do you guys think about the scenes?
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year ago
Say sike rn
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imbelfoxxyloxxy · 6 months ago
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Fifth time trying to post these edits
That’s it I’m claiming this as a hobby now with how much time it takes but how much fun I’m having
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comicchannel · 3 months ago
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DC Multiverse DC Direct Swamp Thing Limited Edition (Todd's Mods) - McFarlane Toys
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3Z5NaUy
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orlaite · 1 year ago
All the Cameron 4Ks I’ve been thirsting over all year dropping as soon as I’m not working anymore and have no money. I see how it is.
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pitagain · 2 years ago
#365DaysOfVGM Day 102:
Existence Collapses [Final Boss] (Cthulhu Saves the World [2010])
You know, many people would’ve posted at least more than 3 Final Boss themes by now, but I like to space these out nicely, to make a point:
Finales are overrated, in most cases they shouldn’t be all a work is known for. But good finales are still worth my attention, of course.
Here’s a good “traditional-sounding” Final Boss theme with all the intense Organs, “epic” Choirs, lingering Flutes, catchy electric Guitars, old-fashioned Drums, fast-paced Horns, among a few other instruments you’ve come to expect in this kind of music by now, to finish off the game’s absurdist titular premise! You can’t go wrong with the classics as long as you know what made them good in the first place, something this track demonstrates quite well!
(Length before loop: 3+ minutes)
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cinnafanhkia · 1 month ago
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(for more detailed tips w/ full explanations, please check out my masterpost!)
Tip #1: Character Creation (<- link to full explanation in masterpost)
You can edit every single aspect of your avatar at any time so don't stress about making the perfect avatar when you start
Tip #2: Gifting Island Residents
To maximise your progress & unlock more quests, use the HKIA wiki gift guide to give the best gift to each character
For your first few days, wait to gift your Friends until you’re done with all your quests so you can unlock higher level gifts (and unlock more quests!)
Tip #3: Supply Runs
Your daily supply runs for week 1 should always include: - iron ore - pineapples - pumpkins - cinna blooms - magma blooms
Tip #4: Collector Hat Nul
Best items to request from your Nul are: - Day 1 = Cinna Blooms - Days 2 & 3 = Sand Dollars - Day 4 & beyond = Iron Ore
Tip #5: Crafting
Do NOT craft more items than you need during your first week
Do NOT use Worm Tails to craft Sticks unless absolutely necessary
Tip #6: Companion Abilities
Pay attention to & use companion abilities as you unlock them
Always take Hello Kitty with you when cooking
Always take My Melody with you when gifting Friends (until Hello Kitty reaches Level 12, then take her instead)
Always take Chococat with you when crafting (after he's Level 7)
Tip #7: Critters
Catch critters whenever you see them. You'll need LOTS of them for a quest later!
Don't worry about filling up your Nature Preserve right away. Just find the critter lists when you can & focus on your other quests
Bush Friends (critter found in the hedge maze in the Spooky Swamp during evening/night) are Keroppi's best levelling up gift. I have tips on how to catch them in the masterpost!
Tip #8: Fishing
The regional types of Clamfish are the best fish to catch since they make good gifts & they also give you a stick when you catch them
You can make a fish you don't want to catch lose interest by tapping your fishing rod before it bites
Do NOT release fish with Badtz-maru! Fish can give you much more valuable items when released at the Fwishing Well (no that's not a typo - it's a fish wishing well 😂)
Tip #9: Friendship Bouquets & Blossoms
Use Friendship Blossoms to level up Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Retsuko, in that order of priority
After Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Retusko are all at Level 11, use any blossoms you get to level up Wish me mell
Tip #10: Island Visitors
You can only have 3 Visitors per day, so plan your Visitors wisely
Place items with a Visitor's "liked" tag in their cabin to increase the chance they will visit
You don't need to invite any Visitors you don't want on your island so don't stress about setting up cabins for all 50+ of them <3 (yes, there are over 50 additional characters you can have living on your island all at the same time!)
Thanks for reading! If you'd like more info on any of these tips, be sure to check out my full HKIA Tips for New Players masterpost for a more detailed explanation!
Happy vacationing!! I'll see you on the island 🏝️
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lou-struck · 3 months ago
Passing the Time
Satan x reader
W.C: 1.5k
~While out running some holiday errands, your path is interrupted by one of the longest lines you have ever seen in your life. 
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Of course, the night before Asmodeus' holiday fashion show. Beel had to go and accidentally spill hellfire hot sauce all over the vest he is supposed to wear. With the fifth born already way too stressed out over the big event, you took the liberty of taking the stained and slightly singed garment to the dry cleaners before they close for the night.
The fall Devildom air carries a biting chill as you walk through the crowded square. Lights twinkle from the shop windows as demons pass by you busily. The narrow walkway has you pulling the garment bag closer to your chest to make weaving through the streets much easier. 
It works like a charm until you come across a long line of Demons, witches, and creatures alike that cut through the pavement. 
Although you really should hurry, curiosity gets the better of you, and you decide to follow the line to see where it leads. Walking parallel to the enchanted velvet rope, you make it to the bookstore, where several muscled security guards stand at the entrance. Their scaly arms crossed over their chests as they stand guard over the closed doors. 
Judging from the chalkboard sign on the ground, it looks like there is to be a meet and greet at the shop in a few hours with some kind of author. You aren't familiar with their name, but judging by the line that has nearly doubled in size in the five minutes you have been walking, they must be fairly popular.
You want to learn more about the event, but a quick glance at the large clock tower tells you that you only have a few minutes left to make it to the dry cleaners. 
You are just about to leave, a head of bright blonde hair gets your attention. 
Satan stands on the other side of the rope near the beginning of the line; the sight makes you smile to yourself because, of course, Satan would be here with an armload of books. 
You approach the book-loving Avatar of Wrath; he sees you, and his features go from bored to delighted. "Hello, Mc; what brings you here?"
"I saw the line and got curious," you admit, "Quite the turnout today."
"Indeed, but I have to admit I'm actually not here for myself this time around," he says, holding out the stack of books in his arms so you can get a better look at them. Upon closer inspection they are bound graphic novels. You remember Levi gushing about that particular series not too long ago. 
"Those are for Levi, aren't they?" you gush, watching as embarrassed blush blooms on the Avatar of Wrath's face. He can be such a softie sometimes.
"For Christmas," he relents, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to get these collector's editions signed, but the event doesn't start for a few more hours, so I'm just waiting it out." He shows you the stack of books in his arms excitedly. "I'm glad I got here when I did, but all this waiting is a bit tedious." 
"I have to stop real quick at the dry cleaners, but I could come and wait with you after?" You offer, holding out the bag for him to see. You can only imagine how bored he will be standing in line for so long.
His smile is as radiant as the evening star, but he shakes his head, pulling another book out of the bag at his side. "Although that would be wonderful, I did bring my own entertainment. I'll just read until the signing starts."
"That's smart, "you say, thankful that Satan has something to tide him over. Although Beel is the sin of gluttony, no one can devour a novel like Satan can. "and then, when you are done you can just go inside the bookstore and buy a new one as a reward."
"Precisely." He beams, a soft blush on his cheeks as he imagines buying even more books for his hoard. "I knew you would understand the method to my madness. Just in case, I do have a few novels downloaded on my DDD, but I simply hate reading books on screens. I would much rather have the weight of a real book in my hands."
The clock in the square chimes, and you see that it is A quarter till six; the dry cleaners close in 15 minutes, so you have to get a move on.
"Let me guess, you have to get going?" the demon notes, sounding a bit disappointed.
"I do, but I'll see you later, okay?" Turning and waving a quick goodbye to the demon who will be standing in that line for quite a while.
It's been a few hours, and after you made it to the dry cleaners, you decided to walk around some of the shops, admiring the beautifully festive window displays, and take yourself out on a little Christmas shopping date.
Although you had no intention of spending Grimm on yourself today, sometimes the universe clearly had other plans. A little bag of nonessentials swings in your grasp as you pass the bookstore, once again finding Satan in line. His nose deep in his book in the same spot you had left him in. "Satan?" You call, trying to get his attention to no avail.
Stepping closer, you wave your hands in front of him. But he still does not register your presence. His book must be amazing because he is completely zoned out to the world around him. It's a miracle no one tried to pickpocket him.
"Satan?" you say again, this time placing your hand between his face and the book. He steps back startled, his wide green eyes softening when they land on you.
"Oh, Mc." He says embarrassedly. "I didn't see you there, I hope you weren't standing there long. Were you able to make it to the cleaners?"
"I did, and then I went and did some more shopping. You remove the box of muffins you picked out at a small bakery. "Don't these look great? I thought they would be nice to have with breakfast tomorrow since we will all be busy getting ready for Asmo's show."
He regards the pastries with his intelligent gaze. "They do look delicious; I think everyone will appreciate the gesture." he stops and looks at your other bags, "you must've been very efficient with your shopping today."
"I'm not sure what you mean," you say feeling more than a bit confused at his word choice. If anything, you feel like you wasted a lot of time shopping and wandering aimlessly through the decorated streets. "It's been a few hours.
"Has it?" he says with wide eyes. "Wow, time really flies. It looks like the doors will be opening soon if you would like to wait with me."
"Excus~" The demon behind you starts to object, but all it takes is a quick glare from Satan to have it shrinking away cowardly.
You slip under the rope and shoot a quick apologetic glance at the lesser demon. "I won't be getting any books signed, So think of it like I'm not even here."
They mumble but don't object. And you continue standing with Satan
"Thank you for waiting with me, Mc," he beams. "Reading is a great way for me to pass the time, but I have a tendency to get a little distracted. If you hadn't gotten my attention, I probably would've missed the signing event."
There is a little pain behind those last words, and you get the feeling that he is speaking from experience. "It's no problem at all; it's nice to get to spend a bit of extra time with you like this. How was the book?"
Asking him about books is like catnip to the demon; his features are overtaken by joy as he places the heavy book into your hand. "It's wonderful; the plot is unique, and all the characters seem to be enhanced by their fatal flaws. You must read it once I am through with it. 
"Then I will definitely have to give it a read, but I feel like at this point my TBR list is longer than a novel at this point. 
"Only one Novel?" he laughs, "I suppose I'll have to give you more recommendations then. But all jokes aside,  this one really should get moved up to the top of the list." 
"It's that good?" you exclaim in disbelief.
"Indeed, I think I will pick up the rest of the series after we get those books signed for Levi. Perhaps we can read them together."
"I would love that," you say, never being one to turn down one of his book recommendations. 
He looks completely over the moon, "wonderful, I love getting to share all these different worlds with you."
"Wherever you want to go, I will read along with you."
The Bookstore doors open wide, and the security begins to slowly let the crowd funnel inside the bookstore for a moment with the author. 
"It looks like we just have a little bit longer to wait," you say with a slight shiver in your voice as some cold wind cuts through you.
"Truly, I don't mind at all. I doubt standing in line would be half as enjoyable with anyone else." He says, taking your hand; the moment your hands touch his, the cold around you seems to disappear.
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Tagging: @pixelcafe-network
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naavispider · 1 year ago
I’ve started posting the first pages of the avatar script on Twitter! It’s a really early edition from 2015 and it’s soooo cool. It’s included on the collectors edition but only on disc (it’s not included on the digital download). Here are some highlights!
1. Spider being brown skinned and Mexican (using Mexican slang to boot!)
2. Ardmore originally being a man (Frank Ardmore) who smoked cigars rather than drank coffee
3. Many mentions of urine. Too many mentions.
4. Lo’ak and Tsireya first kiss!
5. Tulkun dance ceremony where Tsireya and Kiri join in dancing underwater
6. Norm, Jake and Neytiri explain to Kiri that she has no father (Eywa planted a seed in Grace’s avatar). Many more instances of Kiri connecting with/hearing/seeing Eywa
7. Funeral scene of Jake and Neytiri washing Neteyam’s body
If I think of any more I’ll add them! I’m updating the pages on Twitter so check there for the actual deets 💞💙
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strawberrylemonadesoda · 1 year ago
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A few stills from the Avatar TWOW collector's edition bluray. Apologies for the poor quality, Windows does not allow screen capture of bluray contents so phone caps had to be.
(look at his arms in the 4th pic... please sir let me grab a bite 😩)
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the-bus-called-graveyard-8 · 6 months ago
Madagascar in Nickelodeon Magazine (part 4 of 4)
This last part is some miscellaneous Madagascar content that has appeared in various issues of Nick Mag. I used to keep all my Nick Magazines in big binders so I could reread them, but some years ago I decided to finally get rid of them. I only kept a select few (the Madagascar ones, of course) but before I tossed the rest I flipped through five years' worth of issues looking for any scraps of Madagascar. I don't know which issues any of these bits and bobs are from, but here they are nonetheless!
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First we have a prank DVD cover for an absurd mashup of several 2000s animated movies called "Flushed Through the Hedge in a Happy Car". One of the characters parodied is Alex the lion, and several aspects of Madagascar appear in film's description. Full transcript under the read more.
Front cover:
"Flushed Through the Hedge in a Happy Car"
A penguin, a taxi, one wild ride...
Starring Will Smith, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, Wanda Sykes, and Luke Wilson
From the creators of "Charlotte's Open Barnyard"
Back cover:
A break-dancing New York City Penguin named Happy (Wanda Sykes) is accidentally shipped to a zoo in Mexico City. The homesick bird escapes and meets a hilariously sassy taxi named Turbo McCab (Will Smith), who offers to drive her home. Along the way, they get stuck in the woods during hunting season, freeze solid during an ice age, and visit an underground rodent city, where they pick up a tuxedo-wearing mouse named Wobbly (Tom Hanks). Just outside of New York City, Turbo gets a flat. A nerdy raccoon named AJ (Ellen DeGeneres) offers to take Happy over the hedge to find a spare.
Once in human territory, Happy becomes obsessed with Dancing in the Suburbs. Will Happy find happiness as a reality show star? Will her lion dance partner (Luke Wilson) ever learn his moves? Will Turbo ever get to race in the Madagascar 5000? Can penguins really talk? And who is paying for all of Turbo's parking tickets?
2-Disc DVD Collector's Edition
Bonus features include:
A step-by-step look at the 350-day process of creating convincing CGI fuzzy dice.
Deleted scenes that were cut because they stink real bad.
Voice talent farting into the microphone during recording.
Trailers for other penguin movies.
Director's commentary.
Director's dog's commentary
Rated P for Penguin
Digitally mastered for superior penguin cuteness
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Next we have three ads I snipped out of different issues.
Top left: Madagascar video games
"Madagascar and the all new Madagascar: Operation Penguin
Go from the zoo to a place that's totally new
Rule the city and the jungle in two hit games based on the hit movie. In Madagascar, play as Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman in a wild adventure. Available on all video game consoles. In Madagascar: Operation Penguin, play as Private Penguin in madcap missions, available only on GameBoy Advance."
Bottom left: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa video game
"Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
For PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC, and DS
Play as all the main characters—including the penguins—through the story of the Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa movie.
Tip: In the soccer match in the In Madagascar level in single-player mode, Mort the lemur can be a tough goalie. Raise the Power Meter to the 75 percent mark and you can kick the ball over Mort's head and score nearly every time.
Zelda the roving reporter: Do you have a license to drive that?"
Right: TPoM world premiere
"What's New on Nick
Penguins of Madagascar
The penguins are back, and this time, it's for their very own show! Catch the premiere immediately after the Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday, March 28. And check out the first-ever Penguins of Madagascar online game at nick.com."
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Lastly, we have this crossover comic of the Penguins with Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I don't have the cutout of this, but I distinctly remember seeing it in the Gag Station of one issue's Comic Book section. I was able to find it online but unfortunately I don't know the artist.
And that's every time Madagascar was featured in Nickelodeon Magazine!
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year ago
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Had I known I could just ask to get what I want, I would've asked for a million dollars a long time ago
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(Also I hope this is true because I really want that Goodbye Mo'at scene because I thought that was awful they didn't show that when I initially first watched the movie)
Does anyone have fic recs of Ronal teaching Neytiri the way of water?
We have scenes of Ao'nung and Tsireya teaching the Sully kids, Tonowari teaching Jake, but NOTHING of Ronal teaching Neytiri even though it's canon lore. That is a crime that needs to be fixed immediately.
James, I'm begging you to focus on your female characters more. These moms deserve scenes apart, and together, it doesn't matter.
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regina-daemonium · 8 months ago
Mammon`s room
As MC walked into the Avatar of Greed's room, a smile filled her face as she looked around his room. "Still as messy as ever, aren't you, Mammon," she chuckled softly, setting the food she'd brought on his pool table for him to enjoy upon his return from his modelling gig. Clothes were scattered everywhere, as if a tornado of fashion had swept through, leaving a trail of designer garments in its wake. His bed was a crumpled mess, the layers of soft pillows and fluffy blankets dishevelled, with a pair of black silk boxers half-hanging off the edge.
A large 3D TV, the latest Devildom model, adorned one wall, his sound system was, of course, top-tier, with cables snaking between it and a massive, immersive gaming set-up. One controller lay on the glass table, the other on the floor as if abandoned by its owner mid-game.
Mammon's collector's edition of expensive liquor were on display in the corner, each with a tag indicating the rarity and price of the beverage. A collection of designer watches and jewellery filled a glass cabinet, a clear mark of Mammon's obsession with money and the luxuries it could provide. Well, when he had money, that was, if he, in his thirst for more, hadn't blown it at the casino or by losing at the shadow races. Fortune played a capricious game with Mammon. Those who managed to garner his affection reaped the benefits, until they no longer did his favor. Towars Mammon' himself, his wealth was as unpredictable as flipping a coin, ebbing and flowing with each roll of the dice, driven by the sin of his greed. Each time he struck it rich, he would inevitably enter a vortex of poor decision-making that saw him losing everything, only to start the cycle anew.
Priceless art pieces, intricately designed and showcasing the bright, bold colours typical of Devildom's demonic artists, adorned the walls. Though Mammon might not have the same artistic inclinations as his oldest brother, these particular works had obviously captured his fancy enough for him to spend a fortune on them.
The room was a paradise for someone who loved living in excess, but it also showed he had a short attention span, getting bored quickly and moving on to the next hot item for sale in Devildom. One could see not just an obsession with money, but also with the thrill of the chase as he sought out the newest, shiniest, most expensive trinkets and gadgets. No matter how many times Mammon lost his fortune, the thrill of the chase and gaining it back was what kept his heart racing and his blue eyes glittering with sparkles of golden dots.
MC shook her head, amused and somewhat intrigued by Mammon's cycle of good and bad fortune. "If anyone can turn their luck around, it's Mammon, isn't it?" she mused, a wry smile tugging at her lips.
Inhaling deeply, she could still detect the undertones of Mammon's signature scent, 'Devilish No. 5.' The familiar fragrance made her heart flutter, and a wicked grin curved her lips as she thought of the mischief they'd get up to that evening.
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stephaniebrownslover · 11 months ago
My Creepypasta but The Magnus Archives style AU
Okay so this is an old AU that I would like to explain and write, but my street cat is currently sick and he's requeiring all my time and energy and that's okay!
There'll be only character roles and AU explainations in this post.
Character roles and which TMA character they match;
Judge Angels//Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Police officer called upon to deal with paranormal cases
Nurse Ann//Annabelle Cane, Avatar of The Web
Zero//Basira Hussain, Police officer called upon to deal with paranormal cases
Vladimir and Zachary//Breekon and Hope, Mysterious deliverymen and servants of The Stranger
Slenderman//Elias Bouchard , Head of The Magnus Institute
Mary Vaughn//Georgie Barker, "Host of the What The Ghost?" podcast
Ben Drowned//Gerard Keay, Mary Keay’s son and acquaintance of Gertrude Robinson
Rouge//Gertrude Robinson , Former head archivist of The Magnus Institute
Nina The Killer//Helen Richardson, Real estate agent merged with the Distortion
Lulu//Jane Prentiss, Avatar of The Corruption
Masky//Jonathan Sims, Head archivist of The Magnus Institute
Clockwork//Julia Montauk, Hunter and daughter of Robert Montauk
Homicidal Liu//Jurgen Leitner, Collector of paranormal books
Hoodie//Martin Blackwood, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Jane The Killer//Melanie King, Proprietor of the "Ghost Hunt UK" Youtube Channel
Laughing Jack//Michael Shelley, Gertrude Robinson's assistant who was merged with The Distortion
Laughing Jill//Nikola Orsinov, Plastic mannequin created from Joseph Grimaldi
Zalgo//Peter Lukas, Avatar of The Lonely and captain of the Tundra
Kate The Chaser//Sasha James, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Trendderman//Simon Fairchild , Avatar of The Vast(edit:he's changed from Offenderman to Trenderman)
Ticci Toby//Timothy Stoker, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Eyeless Jack//Trevor Herbert, Self-proclaimed vampire hunter
-Creepypasta characters, which are the equivalent of The Magnus Archives characters, were selected without caring about gender and the character whose personality is the most similar with TMA role was replaced with creepypasta character.
-The terms like The Stranger, The Vast, The Spiral, The Buried and blah blah and being an avatar etc. will be explained in future as in the podcast.
-Although I'm trying not to go out of personality to a large extent, there will be many things that do not fit because this is a completely different universe.
-Most of the Creepypasta characters are not killers, and some external appearance features have been arranged accordingly. If you don't like it, you don't need to read it because it's an AU. It's that simple.
-This AU is set in London, just like the podcast.
-If there is a thing that you are uncomfortable with, just don't read it. TMA is a podcast series full of really interesting horror stories, and if you're feeling uncomfortable, it's quite normal but please don't push yourself too much.
- All statements in the 200 episodes will not be mentioned in this AU. Only as much of it as will help you understand the AU will be edited into the AU.
-The dialogue is not exactly the same as in the podcast, because it will vary depending on the characters, but the critical scenes may be the same.
-I think that's it, have fun.
-And for you to have a better idea, The Magnus Archives description;
"The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team.
Individually, they are unsettling. Together they begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying because as they look into the depths of the archives, something starts to look back…"
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demonsfate · 10 months ago
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Not only did I get the Jin statue today, but I also got the other stuff that came with the collector's edition! :D And yes, that ALSO includes the DLC, so that means I DO have the season pass, and will get all the characters once they drop! ^^ And I also got the other content... (those gold fucking suits, all the avatar skins + shirts lol) The only thing I DIDN'T get was the steel game case + the game itself. But oh well! I can probs find the game case later if I really wanted it. Besides, I paid a pretty cheap price for this all, so I don't mind tat all! xD I was wanting this stuff badly when it first came out, but thought I could never afford it! (Found it for much cheaper on eBay than that daunting $300...)
Now I just gotta find a place to put Jin and his big fuckin' wing on my shelf! ^^;
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